12/15/2012 - Geoffrey asks: Platforms "What platforms and operating systems do you expect will be supported?" Answer:
Currently Dream is set for release on PC and Mac, however we would love to support Linux so we are currently looking into this. -Ash
12/12/2012 - Leo asks: KickStarter Alpha Demo "I pledged on KickStarter for your game on the Alpha Demo pledge which i can play an early alpha demo of the first act of the game, get a digital copy of the game, and digital sound track, when will i be able to play the alpha demo of the first act of the game Dream?" Answer:
Hi there! There is currently a set date for the Alpha Demo, however we estimate around march 2013! we are well into development of Act I so it shouldn\'t be long - Ash
12/11/2012 - Kranitoko asks: Future "Have you ever thought about where you could go with Dream such as a franchise, book spin offs, toys, possible film etc.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nThat sounds a bit daunting but have you thought that far ahead?" Answer:
We\\\'ve put thought into the future of Dream as a franchise but haven\\\'t really considered anything beyond a possible revisit of the concept a lot later into our careers if we become more accomplished game designers. I don\\\'t know if any of the things you\\\'ve listed would translate the concept very well but we\\\'re always open to suggestions and offers from 3rd parties. - Lewis
12/10/2012 - Tuur asks: Kickstarter "If you dont reach your goal on Kickstarter, will you stop developing the game, or look for another way?" Answer:
We love Dream and we would try and do as much as we can to complete the game if funding was unsuccessful. However it would prove difficult so we would look at our options then. We have a few plans down if we do not get the money but they still need ironing out - Ash


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