• Test Post


    Etiam eget pharetra orci. Nunc eu magna vitae neque volutpat malesuada ut eget tortor. Donec auctor dui sit amet nunc rhoncus iaculis. Donec eget enim eu magna mollis dignissim vel in orci. Donec faucibus quam eget dui malesuada eu malesuada ligula tempor. Curabitur dignissim lorem eget libero pulvinar vitae dictum nisi feugiat. Nam eros nunc, pretium eu tincidunt quis, facilisis feugiat mauris. Cras a felis nec odio sollicitudin consectetur viverra id nisl. Curabitur convallis porttitor suscipit. Nunc eget est nunc, sit amet interdum justo. Curabitur volutpat massa eget mi imperdiet pretium vitae et diam. Integer facilisis augue non nibh commodo luctus.



    Donec nibh ligula, dictum at blandit malesuada, ornare eu massa. Integer id leo nibh. Curabitur vitae volutpat risus. Pellentesque a purus ac eros sollicitudin molestie. Fusce elit augue, commodo eget feugiat vel, posuere a sem. Donec at mi urna. Suspendisse potenti. Integer malesuada, lorem malesuada luctus tristique, quam turpis consectetur sem, vulputate facilisis est nisi quis mauris.


  • New Menu and Friends

    Hey Dreamers, so the last few weeks have been pretty crazy as we can now actually carry on developing Dream thanks to all of the amazing donations from you guys! We have started developing ideas for the last few areas of Dream that we hadn’t started working on. These areas are later in the game or focus more on narrative so you probably won’t hear anything about them until release but don’t worry, they shaping up really nicely.

    We’ve also started working on the final designs for the menu system. We want this to be as fluid and accessible as possible to the player so that it doesn’t interrupt gameplay. We will be talking in the forum more about this in the coming week so look out for the new design!

    The forum has also been going great, I’m (Sam) going to be posting there a lot more in the future, I don’t have time to chitty chat like the other two as I’m building the game they like talking about! But seriously I’m really looking forward to getting to know everyone in there and will be posting tones after we can show of the menu design.





    Also I just wanted to say a formal welcome to Andrew Watson who is creating some really great concept art for the game that I’m sure you will see a lot of in the forum if you haven’t already. We also have Matt Beattie joining us to help us write the narrative, having a professional on-board will really help us tell the story we want to, and last but not least we have Oliver Benns developing a website for us that will offer a much more immersive experience.


    So over the next few weeks we will be finishing the designs for the menu (Posting what we have in the forum later this week) and polishing up what we currently have for you to play and show your friends.

    This has been my first blog post so any feedback would be great. Thanks for your support and reading!


  • A few small updates

    Our 3rd blog mostly contains updates, however they are interesting and beneficial to you.


    Kicking things off with Kick-A-Thon. As mentioned in the previous blog Sam will be a Guest on Kick-A-Thon tonight. You can watch it here live.  He will be chatting about Dream and us!

    Here are the times Sam appears.
    9-9:30am PST (Seattle, WA) or 5-5:30pm (UK) on Saturday December 15th ! See you there.


    This morning we reached 502 likes! Thank your very much for your support and reaching this mile stone. Our Facebook now is getting more regular updates, as promised and were excited to look on ahead. If you haven’t already please go like us on Facebook to keep up to date with news and development.

    Were pleased to announce Sketchfab have kindly given us a Pro account so we can show you some Dream assets! We love that we are now able to do this and we are including some models in the Alpha tier but more on that next.

    If you have any models to show sign up for your free account here! They are also running Operation Overlord, which gives members unlimited explodes once they reach 20,000 registered users. They are not far off, Have a look here

    You can have a look at our models here or alternatively look at the embedded models at the bottom of the blog. There are a few up now but expect to see more!

    Small Tier Upgrade

    Because we now have a Sketchfab account were really excited to share some models with you. Whilst we will be regularly showing off some models, we also will be showing some more exclusive models and scenes included in the ‘Alpha’ tier and onwards on our kickstarter


    We just made a post on the Lucid Dreaming subreddit in order to attract attention to Dream and its kickstarter to meet its goal! Please if you can, vote it up and help spread the word! http://redd.it/14u9rp - We also added it to the Gaming subreddit which you can upvote here too http://redd.it/14ub4s

    Thanks for listing - here are the models uploaded to Sketchfab

    - Ash